In the aftermath of their crushing defeat, Omari and the Virtues seek refuge in the mystical forest realm of Agraven. But danger lurks amidst the reclusive Faeyries...
Five years have passed, and the relentless war waged by the malevolent King Jaheem ravages the Hallowed Plains. The once united Virtues are now scattered, and Omari, the prophesied Champion, is but a shadow of his former self.
As they grapple with their uncertain future, the Virtues are tested to their very limits, from the port cities of the Frosted Tides to the front lines of the Fallen Borderlands. With the specter of war looming and an insidious evil infiltrating the forest, the company faces a daunting task—one that threatens their very souls.
Can the Virtues rally in time to quell the horrors that threaten the grove? Or will Omari's fall from grace be the final blow that shatters Elysia's hopes?
In this gripping sequel, Yuri Jean-Baptiste delves deeper into a world teetering on the brink, where redemption is a journey fraught with peril.